Islamic Baby Boy Name Starts With “A”

Muslim Boy name starting with "A"

 Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Peaceful, safe ~~  ASLAM  ~~ أَسْلَم

Better, more righteous ~~  ASLAH  ~~ أَصْلَح
More deserving ~~  ARJAH  ~~ أَرْجَح
Blooming, radiant ~~  AZHAR  ~~ أَزْهَر
Trustworthy, faithful ~~  AMIN  ~~ أَمِين
Satisfied, fulfilled ~~  ARWA  ~~ أَرْوَى
Determined, resolved ~~  AKEED  ~~ أَكِيد
Glorious, magnificent ~~  AMJAD  ~~ أَمْجَد
Believer, devout ~~  ABID  ~~ عَابِد
Wise, intelligent ~~  AAQIL  ~~ عَاقِل
Honest, upright ~~  ANIS  ~~ أَنِيس
Gift, blessing ~~  ATA  ~~ عَطَاء
Blessed, fortunate ~~  AALIM  ~~ عَالِم
Joyful, happy ~~  AYYASH  ~~ أَيَّاش
Brave, fearless ~~  AZZAM  ~~ عَزَّام
Prosperous, successful ~~  ASHAR  ~~ أَشَر
Friendly, sociable ~~  ANIQ  ~~ أَنِيق
Leader, chief ~~ ASHRAF  ~~ أَشْرَف
Grateful, thankful ~~  ALTAF  ~~ أَلْطَاف
Strong, powerful ~~  AAZIM  ~~ عَازِم
More knowledgeable ~~  AFQAH  ~~ أَفْقَه
Brave, courageous ~~  AYHAM  ~~ أَيْهَم
Yellow, bright ~~  ASFAR ~~  أَصْفَر
Branches, trees ~~  AFNAN  ~~ أَفْنَان
Higher, superior ~~  ARFA  ~~ أَرْفَع
Most eloquent ~~  ABLAGH  ~~ أَبْلَغ
Successful, prosperous ~~  AFLAH  ~~ أَفْلَح
Greater, biggest ~~  AKBAR  ~~ أَكْبَر
Stranger, foreigner ~~  AGHRAB  ~~ أَغْرَب
Lion, brave ~~  ASAD  ~~ أَسَد
Reddish, tawny ~~  ASHHAB  ~~ أَشْهَب
Free, liberated ~~  AZAD  ~~ أَزَاد
Generous, noble ~~  AKRAM ~~ أَكْرَم
Witness, testify ~~  ASHHAD  ~~ أَشْهَد
Protect, shield ~~  AKFA  ~~ أَكْفَى
Care, concern ~~  A’ANA  ~~ أَعْنَى
Genuine, pure ~~  ASEEL  ~~ أَصِيل
Greatness, glory ~~  AAZAM  ~~ أَعْظَم
Superior, best ~~  AFDAL  ~~ أَفْضَل
Knowers, scholars ~~  AHBAR  ~~ أَحْبَار
Smaller, younger ~~  ASGHAR  ~~ أَصْغَر
Smart, intelligent ~~  AKEES  ~~ أَكِيس
Insight, vision ~~  ANSAR  ~~ أَبْصَر
Softness, tenderness ~~  ARHAB  ~~ أَرْحَب
Clear, evident ~~  ABRA  ~~ أَبْرَع
Excellent, brilliant ~~  ALYAQ  ~~ أَلْيَق
Prudent, wise ~~  AKDAM  ~~ أَكْدَم
Painter, artist ~~  ARSAM  ~~ أَرْسَم
Brave, courageous ~~  AGHYADH  ~~ أَغْيَض
Bent, inclined ~~  AHNAF  ~~ أَحْنَف
Generous, kind ~~  ATIF ~~ عَاطِف
Noble, exalted ~~  AKHTAR  ~~ أَخْتَر
Strong, robust ~~  AKMAH  ~~ أَكْمَح
Generosity, munificence ~~  AGHDAQ ~~ أَغْدَق
Loving, affectionate ~~  AMHAR  ~~ أَمْهَر
Comfort, ease ~~  ARYAH  ~~ أَرْيَح
Happier, more joyful ~~  AFRAH  ~~ أَفْرَح
More truthful ~~  ASDAQ  ~~ أَصْدَق
Kindness, compassion ~~  ASHFAQ  ~~ أَشْفَق
Bright, luminous ~~  ANDHAR  ~~ أَنْضَر
Winner, victor ~~  ARBAH  ~~ أَرْبَح
Better, more beautiful ~~  AHSAN  ~~ أَحْسَن
More reasonable, sensible ~~  AQAL  ~~ أَعْقَل
Shining, glittering ~~  AFTAS  ~~ أَفْطَس
Merciful, compassionate ~~  ARHAM  ~~ أَرْحَم
White, bright ~~  AKBASH  ~~ أَكْبَش
Highly praised, one who constantly thanks God ~~  AHMAD  ~~ أَحْمَد
Loved, beloved ~~  AHBAB  ~~ أَحَب
Horizons, boundaries ~~  AFAQ  ~~ آفاق
Morning, dawn ~~  ASBAH  ~~ أَصْبَح
Protector, guardian ~~  AHFAZ  ~~ أَحْفَظ
Brave, valiant ~~  ARGHAD  ~~ أَرْغَد
More deserving ~~  ARJAH  ~~ أَرْجَح
Radiance, glow ~~  AFYAH  ~~ أَفْيَح
Clear, evident ~~  ABRA  ~~ أَبْرَع
Guided, directed ~~  ARSHAD  ~~ أَرْشَد
Understand, comprehend ~~  AFHAM  ~~ أَفْهَم
Knowledgeable, aware ~~  AARIF  ~~ أَعْرَف
Helper, supporter ~~  AGHYATH  ~~ أَغْيَث
More wise, judicious ~~  AKHAM  ~~ أَكْهَم
Bright, radiant ~~  ANWAR  ~~ أَنْوَر
Dreams, visions ~~  AHLAM  ~~ أَحْلَام
Learned, expert, authority, saint, the highest position a mystic can attain ~~  ARIF  ~~ عَارِف
Name of a courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligence ~~  ASIF  ~~ آصِف
Captivating, fascinating ~~  ASIR  ~~ آسِر
Worshipper ~~  ABBAD  ~~ عَبَّاد
Old Arabic name ~~  ABAN  ~~ أَبَان
Furious lion that mauls its prey to pieces; name of the Prophet Muhammad’s Uncle ~~  ABBAS  ~~ عَبَّاس
Devoted worshipper of Allah ~~  ABBOOD  ~~ عَبُود
Worshipper, adorer, devout ~~  ABID  ~~ عَابِد
Worshipper of Allah ~~  ABIDULLAH  ~~ عَابِدُ اللَّه
Obedience, gift ~~  ABRAR  ~~ أَبْرَار
Endowed with bounty, grace ~~  ABUL FAZL ~~ أَبُو الْفَضْل
Founder of the Hanafi school of thought! Islamic law ~~  ABU HANIFA  ~~ أَبُو حَنِيفَة
Father of seeker; name of the Prophet Muhammad’s uncle ~~  ABU TALIB  ~~ أَبُو طَالِب
Clearer, more distinct ~~  ABYAN  ~~ أَبْيَن
White, bright, brilliant ~~  ABYAZ  ~~ أَبْيَض
Father of mankind. An epithet of Adam who was also the first Prophet ~~  ABUL BASHAR  ~~ أَبُو الْبَشَر
Modest; Father of Caliph Uthman ~~  AFFAN  ~~ عَفَّان
Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent ~~  AFIF  ~~ عَفِيف
Virtuous of the religion (Islam) ~~  AFIF-UD-DIN  ~~ عَفِيفُ الدِّين
Crown ~~  AFSAR  ~~ أَفْسَر
Adorning the religion (Islam) ~~  AFSAR-UD-DIN  ~~ أَفْسَرُ الدِّين
Sun ~~  AFTAB  ~~ أَفْتَاب
Sun of the religion (Islam) ~~  AFTAB-UD-DIN  ~~ أَفْتَابُ الدِّين
Kindness, grace, favours, virtues ~~  AFZAAL  ~~ أَفْضَال
Aim, goal, target ~~  AHDAF  ~~ أَهْدَاف
I praise Allah ~~  AHMADULLAH  ~~ أَحْمَدُ اللَّه
Nobler, more respected, of higher nobility ~~  AHSAB ~~ أَحْسَب
More beautiful, extremely beautiful, handsome ~~  AJMAL  ~~ أَجْمَل
Devoted to, dedicated to, persevering in, busily engaged, attached, intent ~~  AKIF  ~~ عَاكِف
More complete, more perfect ~~  AKMAL  ~~ أَكْمَل
Father of glory ~~  ABUL ALAA  ~~ أَبُو الْعَلَاء
Glory of religion, excellence of religion (Islam) ~~  ALA-UD-DIN  ~~ عَلَاءُ الدِّين
Banner of guidance ~~  ALAM-UL-HUDA  ~~ عَلَمُ الْهُدَى
A learned person in religion ~~  ALEEMUDDIN  ~~ عَلِيمُ الدِّين
Comforter ~~  ALLAL  ~~ عَلَّال
Diamond ~~  ALMAS ~~ أَلْمَاس
Trust, safety, security, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmness ~~  AMAN  ~~ أَمَان
Trust, care of Allah, protection of Allah ~~  AMANULLAH  ~~ أَمَانُ اللَّه
Trust of the religion (Islam) ~~  AMANUDDIN  ~~ أَمَانُ الدِّين
Chieftain, ruler, prince, commander, lord, leader, master ~~  AMEER  ~~ أَمِير
Pillar, support, head ~~  AMID ~~ عَمِيد
An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) ~~  AL-AMIN  ~~ الأَمِين
Virtuous, pious, devout, religious, tolerant ~~  AMMAR  ~~ عَمَّار
Old Arabic name ~~  AMR  ~~ عَمْر
Clouds ~~  ANAN  ~~ عَنَان
Friend ~~  ANAS  ~~ أَنَس
Friend, patron, supporter ~~  ANSAR  ~~ أَنْصَار
Hero in a story of chivalry ~~  ANTAR  ~~ عَنْتَر
Lights of the Beneficent (Allah) ~~  ANWARULARIM  ~~ أَنْوَارُ الْكَرِيم
Bright, brilliant, luminous, moonlit ~~  QMAAR  ~~ أَقْمَر
More elegant, more graceful; more humorous ~~  AZRAF  ~~ أَزْرَف
One who fulfils his promise ~~  AZMI  ~~ عَزْمِي
Dear to Allah ~~  AZIZULLAH ~~ عَزِيزُ اللَّه
More evident, most apparent, most illuminated ~~  AZHAR  ~~ أَزْهَر
Flower, blossom ~~  AZHAAR  ~~ أَزْهَار
Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness ~~  AZMAT  ~~ عَظْمَة
Most victorious, winner ~~  AZFAR  ~~ أَظْفَر
Greater, greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most exalted ~~  A’ZAM  ~~ أَعْظَم
Fountain of life ~~  AYNUL HAYAT  ~~ عَيْنُ الْحَيَاة
Lucky, blessed, right-hand, right, on the right, fortunate ~~  AYMAN ~~ أَيْمَن
Sign of Allah ~~  AYATULLAH  ~~ آيَةُ اللَّه
Sign, revelation, verse of the Qur’an ~~  AYAT  ~~ آيَة
Sincere repentant, supplicant ~~  AWWAB  ~~ أَوَّاب
Support, help ~~  AWN  ~~ عَوْن
Reward, compensation ~~  AWAD  ~~ عِوَض

Scrupulously clean, refined, most noble, excellent ~~  ATYAB  ~~ أَطْيَب

Affectionate, kind-hearted, compassionate, loving ~~  ATUF  ~~ عَطُوف
Fragrant, aromatic ~~  ATIR ~~ عَطِر
Ancient, noble, antiquated ~~  ATIQ  ~~ عَتِيق
Compassionate, affectionate, sympathetic, kind-hearted, loving ~~  ATIF  ~~ عَطُوف
Purer, more virtuous, most pious, meticulously neat and clean ~~  ATHAR  ~~ أَطْهَر
Gift of Allah ~~  ATAULLAH  ~~ عَطِيَّةُ اللَّه
Soldier ~~  ASKARI  ~~ عَسْكَرِي
More courageous, braver ~~  ASHJA ~~ أَشْجَع
Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A.) ~~  ASADULLAH  ~~ أَسَدُ اللَّه
Virtuous, pious, happier, luckier ~~  AS’AD  ~~ أَسْعَد
Wish, hope, love ~~  ARZU  ~~ أَرْزُو
More delicate, more gracious ~~  ARWAH  ~~ أَرْوَح
Handsome, more elegant, more graceful ~~  ARSHAQ  ~~ أَرْشَق
Writer, the best recorder, companion of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) ~~  ARQAM  ~~ أَرْقَم
Fragrant, sweet-smelling ~~  ARIZ ~~ عَرِيز
Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever ~~  ARIB  ~~ أَرِيب
Learned, expert, authority ~~  AREEF  ~~ عَرِيف
God’s gift ~~  AAYAN  ~~ اَىَان 
One Who Settles For A Long Time In A Place ~~  ADNAN ~~ عَدْنَان 
Beautiful ~~  AAFRIN  ~~ آفْرِين 
 Lion, Fearless ~~ ARASALAN ~~ أَرْسَلَان

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.”

May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.

Jazakallah (Thank you).


You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z


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