Islamic Baby Boy Name Starts With “H”

Muslim Boy name starting with "h"

Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Aim, Goal ~~ Habab ~~ حَبَاب
Praiser (of Allah) ~~ Hamid ~~ حَامِد
Vigilant, Guardian, Protector ~~ Haris ~~ حَارِس
Cultivator, Agnomen of Lion ~~ Harith ~~ حَارِث
Great-grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad ~~ Hashim ~~ هَاشِم
Beloved, Dear, Friend ~~ Habib ~~ حَبِيب
Friend of Allah, Dear to Allah ~~ Habibullah ~~ حَبِيبُ الله
Gifts, Presents ~~ Hadaya ~~ هَدَايَا
Collecting, Gathering ~~ Hafs ~~ حَفْص
Lion, Title of Caliph Ali ~~ Haidar ~~ حَيْدَر
Ally ~~ Halif ~~ حَلِيف
Enthusiasm, Fervour ~~ Hamas ~~ حَمَاس
Praise, Laudation of Allah ~~ Hamd ~~ حَمْد
Praised by Allah ~~ Hamidullah ~~ حَمِيدُ الله
Close Friend ~~ Hamim ~~ حَمِيم
Praising (Allah) ~~ Hammad ~~ حَمَّاد
Energetic, Active ~~ Hammam ~~ هَمَّام
Much Praise to Allah ~~ Hammud ~~ حَمُّود
Praised, Commended, Praiseworthy ~~ Hamud ~~ حَمُود
Lion, Name of the Prophet Muhammad’s Uncle ~~ Hamza ~~ حَمْزَة
Joyful, Happy ~~ Hani ~~ هَانِئ
True Believer, True Faith, Upright ~~ Hanif ~~ حَنِيف
True of Religion (Islam) ~~ Hanifud Din ~~ حَنِيفُ الدِّين
Yearning, Desire ~~ Hanin ~~ حَنِين
Strong, Secure, Guarded ~~ Hariz ~~ حَرِيز
Chief, Protector, Guard, ~~ Haroon ~~ هَارُون
Celebrated Abbasid Caliph (786-809) ~~ Harun-al-Rashid ~~ هَارُون الرَّشِيد
Handsome, Beautiful, Good-looking ~~ Hasan ~~ حَسَن
Father of Hasan (Caliph Ali) ~~ Abul Hasan ~~ أَبُو الحَسَن
Good Deeds, Kind Acts, Favours ~~ Hasanat ~~ حَسَنَات
The Two Hasans, Hasan and Husain, the Two Sons of Caliph Ali (used as a name of one person) ~~ Hasnain ~~ حَسَنَيْن
Collector ~~ Hasher ~~ حَاشِر
One who Smashes or Breaks Anything to Pieces ~~ Hashim ~~ هَاشِم
Noble, Respected, Highborn ~~ Hasib ~~ حَسِيب
Judicious, Wise, Prudent, Sagacious ~~ Hasif ~~ حَصِيف
Decisive, Definite ~~ Hasim ~~ حَاسِم
Handsome ~~ Hasin ~~ حَسِين
Strong, Secure, Immune ~~ Hasin ~~ حَصِين
Very Handsome, Beautifier ~~ Hassan ~~ حَسَّان
Praiser; a Voice from Heaven or from an Invisible Speaker, Guardian Angel ~~ Hatif ~~ هَاتِف
Loin ~~ Haysam ~~ هَيْثَم
Lively, Energetic ~~ Hayyan ~~ حَيَّان
Firm, Resolute, Energetic, Judicious, ~~ Hazim ~~ حَازِم
Gift ~~ Hiba ~~ هِبَة
Gift of Allah ~~ HibatuUah ~~ هِبَةُ الله
Guidance of Allah ~~ Hidayatullah ~~ هِدَايَةُ الله
Guidance of the Truth (Allah) ~~ Hidayat-ul-haq ~~ هِدَايَةُ الحَقّ
Wisdom ~~ Hikmat ~~ حِكْمَة
Crescent, New Moon ~~ Hilal ~~ هِلَال
Crescent-like ~~ Hilali ~~ هِلَالِيّ
Patient, Tolerant, Lenient ~~ Hilmi ~~ حِلْمِيّ
Protection, Safeguarding ~~ Himayat ~~ حِمَايَة
Ambition, Endeavour, Determination ~~ Himmat ~~ هِمَّة
A Prophet Title of the 11th Sura of the Quran ~~ Hud ~~ هُود
Right, Guidance ~~ Huda ~~ هُدَى
Light of the Right Guidance (of Allah) ~~ Nurul Huda ~~ نُورُ الهُدَى
Old Arabic Name ~~ Hulayl ~~ حُلَيْل
Brave and Noble, Generous ~~ Humam ~~ هُمَام
Brave (Person) of the Religion (Islam) ~~ Humamuddin ~~ هُمَامُ الدِّين
Diminutive of Ahmad; Praised ~~ Humayd ~~ حُمَيْد
Auspicious, Fortunate ~~ Humayun ~~ هُمَايُون
Sword of the State ~~ Husamuddawlah ~~ حُسَامُ الدَّوْلَة
Sword of Religion (Islam) ~~ Husamuddin ~~ حُسَامُ
Sword of Religion (Islam) ~~ Husamuddin ~~ حُسَامُ الدِّين
An Old Arabic Name, Short-statured ~~ Huzaifa ~~ حُذَيْفَة
Praise, Laudation of Allah ~~ Hamd ~~ حَمْد

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.”

May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.

Jazakallah (Thank you).


You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z


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