Islamic Baby Boy Name Starts With “K”

Muslim Boy name starting with "k"

 Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Kab ~~ Kab ~~ كاب
Great, Big ~~ Kbir ~~ كَبِير
Sufficient ~~ Kafi ~~ كَافِي
Great and famous ~~ Kabir ~~ كَبِير
Great (man) of the religion (Islam) ~~ Kabir ad-Din ~~ كَبِيرُ الدِّينِ
Eternal, perpetual ~~ Khalid ~~ خَالِد
Guarantor, surety, sponsor, responsible ~~ Kafil ~~ كَفِيل
Speech, conversation ~~ Kalam ~~ كَلَام
Father of speech, eloquent ~~ Abul Kalam ~~ أَبُو الكَلَام
Interlocutor, speaker, one of the two conversators ~~ Kalim ~~ كَلِيم
One who conversed with Allah, an epithet of Prophet Moses ~~ Kalimullah ~~ كَلِيمُ الله
Perfection, completion, integrity ~~ Kamal ~~ كَمَال
Perfection of religion (Islam) ~~ Kamaluddin ~~ كَمَالُ الدِّينِ
Founder of modern Turkey (1881-1938) ~~ Mustafa Kamal ~~ مُصْطَفَى كَمَال
Perfect, complete, genuine, total, learned ~~ Kamil ~~ كَامِل
Lucky, happy, success ~~ Kamran ~~ كَامْرَان
Generosity, bounty ~~ Karam ~~ كَرَم
Bounty of Allah ~~ Karamullah ~~ كَرَمُ الله
Act of generosity, magnificence, nobility, excellence ~~ Karamat ~~ كَرَامَة
Prime minister ~~ Kardar ~~ كَرْدَار
Discoverer ~~ Kashif ~~ كَاشِف
Winner, provider ~~ Kasib ~~ كَاسِب
Much, abundant, plenty ~~ Kasir ~~ كَثِير
Abundance, name of a river in Paradise ~~ Kausar ~~ كَوْثَر
Planet ~~ Kaukab ~~ كَوْكَب
Just, noble; King of Iran (d. 1058) ~~ Kaykaus ~~ كَيْكَاوُس
One who controls or suppresses his anger ~~ Kazim ~~ كَاظِم
Suitor, matchmaker ~~ Khatib ~~ خَاطِب
Learned, expert, authority ~~ Khabir ~~ خَبِير
Servant ~~ Khadim ~~ خَادِم
Successor, heir ~~ Khalaf ~~ خَلَف
Name of a famous Muslim philosopher, historian, and social scientist ~~ Khaldun ~~ خَلْدُون
Successor of Hasan ~~ Khalaf Hasan ~~ خَلَفُ حَسَن
General to whom the Prophet Muhammad awarded the title of honour, Sword of Allah (d. 642) ~~ Khalid ibn al-Walid ~~ خَالِدُ بْنُ الوَلِيد
Successor, viceroy, caliph, viceregent ~~ Khalifa ~~ خَلِيفَة
Friend ~~ Khalil ~~ خَلِيل
Friend of Allah, an epithet of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) ~~ Khalilullah ~~ خَلِيلُ الله
The qualified (person) of the era ~~ Khaliquz Zaman ~~ خَالِقُ الزَّمَان
Worthy of the Glory (Allah) ~~ Khaliqus Subhan ~~ خَالِقُ السُّبْحَان
Pure, true, clear, real ~~ Khalis ~~ خَالِص
Pious, devout ~~ Khashi ~~ خَاشِع
Fruitful, prolific ~~ Khasib ~~ خَصِيب
Orator, title of someone who delivers speeches ~~ Khatib ~~ خَطِيب
Heart, idea ~~ Khatir ~~ خَاطِر
Good, blessing, boon, wealth, benevolent, fortune ~~ Khair ~~ خَيْر
Father of good work, virtuous ~~ Abul Khair ~~ أَبُو الخَيْر
Boon of religion (Islam) ~~ Khairuddin ~~ خَيْرُ الدِّينِ
Best of mankind, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ~~ Khairul Bashar ~~ خَيْرُ البَشَر
Blessings, good work, good deeds ~~ Khairat ~~ خَيْرَات
Benevolent, charitable, beneficent ~~ Khayri ~~ خَيْرِيّ
Tent-maker ~~ Khayyam ~~ خَيَّام
Generous ~~ Khayyir ~~ خَيِّر
Treasurer ~~ Khazin ~~ خَازِن
Name of a Prophet ~~ Khizar ~~ خِضْر
Immortality, eternity ~~ Khulud ~~ خُلُود
Cheerful, glad, fresh ~~ Khurram ~~ خُرَّم
Sun ~~ Khurshid ~~ خُرْشِيد
Old Arabic name ~~ Khuzayma ~~ خُزَيْمَة
Divine majesty, divine grandeur ~~ Kibria ~~ كِبْرِيَاء
Struggle, fight ~~ Kifah ~~ كِفَاح
Self-sufficiency ~~ Kifayat ~~ كِفَايَة

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.”

May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.

Jazakallah (Thank you).


You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z


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