Muslim Boy name starting with "t"
Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic |
Obedient, willing smile ~~ Taai ~~ طَائِع |
Courteousness, favour, kindness ~~ Tafazzul ~~ تَفَضُّل |
Favour of Husain ~~ Tafazzul Husain ~~ تَفَضُّل حُسَيْن |
Mystic letters at the beginning of Surat Ta Ha (20:1), from which the sura derives its title ~~ Taha ~~ طه |
Virtuous, pure, pious, modest ~~ Tahir ~~ طَاهِر |
Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy ~~ Al-Tahir ~~ الطَاهِر |
Praising Allah, saying al-hamdu lillaah ~~ Tahmid ~~ تَحْمِيد |
Adornment, ornament, betterment ~~ Tahsin ~~ تَحْسِين |
Repentant, penitent ~~ Taib ~~ تَائِب |
Making easy, facilitating, simplification ~~ Taisir ~~ تَيْسِير |
Crown ~~ Taj ~~ تَاج |
Crown of the religion (Islam) ~~ Tajuddin ~~ تَاجُ الدِّينِ |
Crown of Islam ~~ Tajul Islam ~~ تَاجُ الإِسْلَام |
Adornment of Husain ~~ Tajammul Husain ~~ تَجَمُّل حُسَيْن |
Being pleasant, nice, admirable, agreeable ~~ Talal ~~ طَلَال |
Appearance, countenance ~~ Talat ~~ طَلْعَة |
Student, seeker, pursuer ~~ Talib ~~ طَالِب |
Education, instruction ~~ Talim ~~ تَعْلِيم |
Generalisation ~~ Tamim ~~ تَمِيم |
Rich or abounding in dates, date seller ~~ Tamir ~~ تَامِر |
Distinction, judgment ~~ Tamiz ~~ تَمْيِيز |
Distinction of the religion (Islam) ~~ Tamiz-ud-Din ~~ تَمْيِيزُ الدِّينِ |
Praise, glorification, extolment ~~ Tamjid ~~ تَمْجِيد |
Illumination, blossoming ~~ Tanvir ~~ تَنْوِير |
Revelation, sending down ~~ Tanzil ~~ تَنْزِيل |
Revelation of the Merciful (Allah) ~~ Tanzilur Rahman ~~ تَنْزِيلُ الرَّحْمَن |
Godfearing, devout, pious ~~ Taqi ~~ تَقِيّ |
Godfearing (person) of the religion (Islam) ~~ Taqiuddin ~~ تَقِيُّ الدِّينِ |
Kind of tree ~~ Tarfa ~~ طَرْفَة |
Lively, gleeful, merry ~~ Tarib ~~ طَرِب |
Rare, uncommon, curious ~~ Tarif ~~ طَرِيف |
Nocturnal visitor ~~ Tariq ~~ طَارِق |
Lively, gleeful, merry ~~ Tarub ~~ طَرُوب |
Beneficence, benevolence ~~ Tasadduq ~~ تَصَدُّق |
Benevolence of Husain ~~ Tasadduq Husain ~~ تَصَدُّق حُسَيْن |
Greeting, salutation ~~ Taslim ~~ تَسْلِيم |
Prosperity, good luck (granted by Allah) ~~ Tawfiq ~~ تَوْفِيق |
Belief in the unity of Allah ~~ Tawhid ~~ تَوْحِيد |
Honour, great respect ~~ Tawqir ~~ تَوْقِير |
Servant of Allah ~~ Taimullah ~~ تَيْمُ اللَّه |
Good, good-natured, pure ~~ Tayyib ~~ طَيِّب |
Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy ~~ Al-Tayyib ~~ الطَّيِّب |
Glorification, exaltation, honour ~~ Tazim ~~ تَعْظِيم |
Glorification of the religion (Islam) ~~ Tazimuddin ~~ تَعْظِيمُ الدِّينِ |
Intercession, mediation, baby ~~ Tufail ~~ طُفَيْل |
Soil, dust ~~ Turab ~~ تُرَاب |
An attributive of Caliph Ali, The Prophet Muhammad gave him this epithet ~~ Abu Turab ~~ أَبُو تُرَاب |
Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.”
May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.
Jazakallah (Thank you).
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