Muslim girl name starting with "F"
Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic |
Victorious, triumphant, prosperous ~~ Faiza ~~ فَائِزَة |
Excellent, glorious, honourable ~~ Fakhira ~~ فَاخِرَة |
Happy, cheerful, joyful ~~ Fariha ~~ فَرِحَة |
Endowed with wisdom, learning ~~ Farzana ~~ فَرْزَانَة |
Beautiful, pretty, glamorous, ~~ Fatin ~~ فَاتِن |
Captivating, Attractive ~~ Fatina ~~ فَاتِنَة |
Redeemer, ransomer ~~ Fadia ~~ فَادِيَة |
Name derived from self-sacrifice ~~ Fadwa ~~ فَدْوَى |
Intelligent, learned, erudite ~~ Faheema ~~ فَهِيمَة |
Very intelligent, learned ~~ Fahhama ~~ فَهَّامَة |
Intellect, intelligence, insight ~~ Fahm ~~ فَهْم |
Adorned with intellect, intelligent ~~ Fahm Ara ~~ فَهْمْ آراء |
Intelligent, judicious ~~ Fahmida ~~ فَهْمِيدَة |
Benefit, advantage, welfare ~~ Faida ~~ فَائِدَة |
Excellent, outstanding, ascendant ~~ Faiqa ~~ فَائِقَة |
Dawn, beginning, start ~~ Fajr ~~ فَجْر |
Honour, pride, glory ~~ Fakhar ~~ فَخَار |
Glory, pride, honour ~~ Fakhr ~~ فَخْر |
Glory of the women ~~ Fakhrun Nisa ~~ فَخْرُ النِّسَاء |
Proud, honorary, glory, ~~ Fakhriya ~~ فَخْرِيَّة |
Orbit, sky, celestial sphere ~~ Falak ~~ فَلَك |
Fortunate, lucky, successful ~~ Faliha ~~ فَالِحَة |
Jurist, expert ~~ Faqiha ~~ فَقِيهَة |
Joy, happiness, delight ~~ Farah ~~ فَرَح |
Glad, joyful, happy, cheerful ~~ Farhana ~~ فَرْحَانَة |
Glad, happy ~~ Farhi ~~ فَرْحِي |
Tall, towering, lofty ~~ Faria ~~ فَارِعَة |
Unique, matchless, singular, precious ~~ Farida ~~ فَرِيدَة |
Happy, glad, joyful ~~ Fariha ~~ فَرِحَة |
Daughter of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq ~~ Farwa ~~ فَرْوَة |
Wise, learned ~~ Farzana ~~ فَرْزَانَة |
Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken ~~ Fasiha ~~ فَصِيحَة |
One who wins victory after victory ~~ Fathiya ~~ فَتْحِيَّة |
Opening, introduction, dawn, first ~~ Fatiha ~~ فَاتِحَة |
Daughter of Prophet Muhammad and wife of Khalifa Ali ~~ Fatima ~~ فَاطِمَة |
Charming, fascinating, captivating ~~ Fatinah ~~ فَاتِنَة |
Extremely beautiful, charming, ~~ Fattanan ~~ فَتَّانَة |
Breath of fragrance ~~ Fawha ~~ فَوْحَة |
Victory, triumph, achievement ~~ Fawza ~~ فَوْزَة |
Triumphant, successful, victorious ~~ Fawziya ~~ فَوْزِيَّة |
Turquoise ~~ Fayrooz ~~ فَيْرُوز |
A lady who confers great favours, most generous and bountiful ~~ Fayyaza ~~ فَيَّازَة |
Virtuous, outstanding, learned ~~ Fazila ~~ فَاضِلَة |
Excellence of the women ~~ Fazilatun Nisa ~~ فَضِيلَة النِّسَاء |
Silver ~~ Fidda ~~ فِضَّة |
Paradise, heaven, garden ~~ Firdaus ~~ فِرْدَوْس |
Heavenly ~~ Firdausi ~~ فِرْدَوْسِي |
Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue coloured precious stone ~~ Fairuza ~~ فَيْرُوزَة |
Heart; feminine of Fuad ~~ Fuada ~~ فُؤَادَة |
Variety, art ~~ Funoon ~~ فُنُون |
Luminous, radiant ~~ Furoozan ~~ فُرُوزَان |
Paradise, heaven, garden ~~ Firdaus ~~ فِرْدَوْس |
Heavenly ~~ Firdausi ~~ فِرْدَوْسِي |
Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue coloured precious stone ~~ Fairuza ~~ فَيْرُوزَة |
Heart; feminine of Fuad ~~ Fuada ~~ فُؤَادَة |
Variety, art ~~ Funoon ~~ فُنُون |
Luminous, radiant ~~ Furoozan ~~ فُرُوزَان |
Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.” May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.Jazakallah (Thank you).
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