Islamic Baby Girl Name Starts With “N”

Muslim girl name starting with "N"

Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Noble, famous, brilliant~~ Nabiha ~~ نَبِيهَة
Noble, beautiful, intelligent ~~ Nabila ~~ نَبِيلَة
Call ~~ Nida ~~ نِدَاء
Dew, generosity, liberality ~~ Nadaa ~~ نَدَى
Moist, delicate ~~ Nadi ~~ نَدِيَّة
Dew, generosity, delicate ~~ Nadia ~~ نَادِيَة
Rival, equal ~~ Nadida ~~ نَدِيدَة
Intimate friend, companion ~~ Nadima ~~ نَدِيمَة
Rare, extraordinary, precious ~~ Nadira ~~ نَادِرَة
Radiance, bloom, glamour ~~ Nadra ~~ نَضْرَة
Council, club ~~ Nadwa ~~ نَدْوَة
Profitable, beneficial ~~ Nafia ~~ نَافِعَة
Refined, pure, precious ~~ Nafisa ~~ نَفِيسَة
Melody, song ~~ Naghma ~~ نَغْمَة
Day, daytime ~~ Nahar ~~ نَهَار
Sun of the day ~~ Shamsun Nahar ~~ شَمْسُ النَّهَار
Venus ~~ Nahid ~~ نَاهِد
Feminine of Nahid ~~ Nahida ~~ نَاهِدَة
Elevated, diligent ~~ Nahiza ~~ نَاهِزَة
Bee ~~ Nahla ~~ نَحْلَة
A drink, a draught ~~ Nabla ~~ نَبْلَة
Winner, achiever, gift ~~ Naila ~~ نَائِلَة
Happiness, peaceful, pleasure ~~ Naima ~~ نَعِيمَة
Success ~~ Najah ~~ نَجَاح
Safety, rescue ~~ Najat ~~ نَجَاة
Noble, generous, aristocratic ~~ Najiba ~~ نَجِيبَة
Courage, help, succour ~~ Najdah ~~ نَجْدَة
Brave; a lady who accomplishes difficult tasks ~~ Najida ~~ نَجِيدَة
Safe ~~ Najia ~~ نَاجِيَة
Intimate friend, bosom friend ~~ Najiya ~~ نَاجِيَة
Large-eyed, wide-eyed ~~ Najla ~~ نَجْلَاء
Star, a fine species of grass ~~ Najma ~~ نَجْمَة
The morning star ~~ Najmus Sahar ~~ نَجْمُ السَّحَر
Confidential talk, secret conversation ~~ Najwa ~~ نَجْوَى
Saved, liberated ~~ Najwan ~~ نَجْوَان
Fragrance ~~ Nakhat ~~ نَخَات
Gift, present, kindness ~~ Nama ~~ نَعْمَة
Clear, pure, clean ~~ Naqiya ~~ نَقِيَّة
Purity, refinement, clarity ~~ Naqa ~~ نَقَاء
Mind, intellect, leader ~~ Naqiba ~~ نَقِيبَة
Narcissus (flower) ~~ Narjis ~~ نَرْجِس
Scent, perfume ~~ Nasha ~~ نَشَة
Liveliness, joy, vivacity ~~ Nashat ~~ نَشَاط
Energetic, dynamic, lively ~~ Nashita ~~ نَشِيطَة
Elated, exultant, flushed ~~ Nashwa ~~ نَشْوَى
Honey that flows from the comb ~~ Nasila ~~ نَسِيلَة
Breeze, fresh air, fragrant air ~~ Nasim ~~ نَسِيم
Zephyr, gentle wind ~~ Nasima ~~ نَسِيمَة
Helper, protector, friend ~~ Nasira ~~ نَاصِرَة
Jonquil, wild rose ~~ Nasrin ~~ نَسْرِين
One endowed with speech, eloquent ~~ Natiqa ~~ نَاطِقَة
Gift, present, kindness ~~ Nawal ~~ نَوَال
Flower, bud, blossom ~~ Nawar ~~ نَوَّار
Excess, surplus ~~ Nawfa ~~ نَوْفَة
Gift, present ~~ Nawla ~~ نَوْلَة
Blossom, flower ~~ Nawra ~~ نَوْرَة
Luminous, shining ~~ Nayyara ~~ نَيِّرَة
Purity, honesty ~~ Nazaha ~~ نَزَاهَة
Elegant, delicate, beloved ~~ Nazanin ~~ نَازَنِين
Bloom, beauty ~~ Nazara ~~ نَضَارَة
Pure, clean, neat ~~ Nazifa ~~ نَظِيفَة
Pure, virtuous, honest ~~ Naziha ~~ نَزِيهَة
Warner ~~ Nazira ~~ نَذِيرَة
Equal, resembling, match, ~~ Nazira ~~ نَظِيرَة
Delicate ~~ Nazli ~~ نَازِلِي
Arrows ~~ Nibal ~~ نِبَال
Lamp ~~ Nibras ~~ نِبْرَاس
Picture, portrait ~~ Nigar ~~ نِگَار
Presents, gifts ~~ Nihel ~~ نِهَال
Present, gift ~~ Nihla ~~ نِهْلَة
Water-lily ~~ Nilufar ~~ نِيلُوفَر
Blessing, a gift from Allah ~~ Nimat ~~ نِعْمَة
Blessings, boons ~~ Nimaat ~~ نِعْمَات
Women ~~ Nisa ~~ نِسَاء
Moon of the women ~~ Qamarun Nisa ~~ قَمَرُ النِّسَاء
Sweet, pleasant ~~ Noshin ~~ نُوشِين
Distinction, eminence ~~ Nuboogh ~~ نُبُوغ
Rarity, rareness ~~ Nudra ~~ نُدْرَة
Rareness ~~ Nudoora ~~ نُدُورَة
Intelligence, intellect ~~ Nuha ~~ نُهَى
Light, illumination ~~ Noor ~~ نُور
Light of the world ~~ Nooruddunya ~~ نُورُ الدُّنْيَا
Light of the women ~~ Noorun Nisa ~~ نُورُ النِّسَاء
Light; feminine of Noor ~~ Noora ~~ نُورَة
Luminous, brilliant ~~ Nooraniyah ~~ نُورَانِيَّة
Light, luminous ~~ Nuriya ~~ نُورِيَّة
Diminutive of Nasiba ~~ Nusaiba ~~ نُصَيْبَ
Help, support ~~ Nusrat ~~ نُصْرَة
Blossom, flower ~~ Nuwwar ~~ نُوَّار
Blossom, flower ~~ Nuwwara ~~ نُوَّارَة
Pure gold ~~ Nuzar ~~ نُزَر
Pleasure trip, freshness, cheerfulness ~~ Nuzhat ~~ نُزْهَة

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.” May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.Jazakallah (Thank you).

You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z

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