Islamic Baby Girl Name Starts With “S”

Muslim girl name starting with "S"

Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Coming or arriving in the morning ~~ Sabiha ~~ سَبِيحَة

Patient, tolerant ~~ Sabira ~~ صَبِيرَة
Happiness, success ~~ Sadat ~~ سَعَادَة
True, truthful, honest ~~ Sadiqa ~~ صَادِقَة
Pure, clear, crystal ~~ Safia ~~ صَافِيَة
Straight, pertinent ~~ Saiba ~~ سَائِبَة
Rising, ascending ~~ Saida ~~ سَعِيدَة
Fasting ~~ Saima ~~ صَائِمَة
Pious, virtuous, righteous ~~ Saliha ~~ صَالِحَة
Safe, secure, complete ~~ Salima ~~ سَلِيمَة 
Charming, enchanting, captivating ~~ Saiba ~~ سَائِبَة 
Eminent, exalted, sublime ~~ Samia ~~ سَامِيَة 
Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive ~~ Samira ~~ سَمِيرَة 
Queen Saba ~~ Saba ~~ سَبَا 
East wind ~~ Saba ~~ سَبَا 
Morning, dawn ~~ Sabah ~~ صَبَاح 
Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness ~~ Sabah ~~ صَبَاح 
Firmness, stability, certainty ~~ Sabat ~~ ثَبَات 
Patient, tolerant ~~ Sabeera ~~ صَبِيرَة 
Pretty, beautiful, radiant ~~ Sabha ~~ صَبْحَة 
Captivating, enchanting, charming ~~ Sabia ~~ سَابِعَة 
Pretty, beautiful, graceful ~~ Sabiha ~~ سَبِيحَة 
Beautiful, handsome, morning ~~ Sabiha ~~ سَبِيحَة 
First, winner ~~ Sabiqa ~~ سَابِقَة 
Well established, certain, sure ~~ Sabita ~~ سَابِتَة 
Patient ~~ Sabriya ~~ صَبْرِيَّة 
Shining, brilliant ~~ Sabuh ~~ صَبُوحَة 
Very patient, enduring ~~ Sabura ~~ صَبُورَة 
Correct, right, sound ~~ Sadida ~~ سَدِيدَة 
Friend, companion ~~ Sadiqa ~~ صَادِقَة 
Happiness, luck, blissful ~~ Sadiya ~~ سَعِيدَة 
Singer, singing ~~ Sadooh ~~ صَدُوحَة 
Honest, trustworthy ~~ Saduq ~~ صَدُوقَة 
A hill near the sacred Kaaba; rock ~~ Safa ~~ صَفَا 
Purity, clarity, serenity ~~ Safaa ~~ صَفَاء 
Pure, righteous, serene ~~ Safiya ~~ صَافِيَة 
Wife of the Prophet Musa ~~ Safura ~~ صَفُورَة 
The best part, flower ~~ Safwa ~~ صَفْوَة 
Small, slender, tender ~~ Saghira ~~ صَغِيرَة 
Clouds ~~ Sahab ~~ سَحَاب 
Early dawn, early morning ~~ Sahar ~~ سَحَر 
Moon, a spring which flows constantly ~~ Sahira ~~ سَاهِرَة 
Smooth, simple, fluent ~~ Sahla ~~ سَهْلَة 
Prostrate in worship ~~ Sajida ~~ سَاجِدَة 
Generosity, liberality ~~ Sakha ~~ سَخَاء 
Generous, liberal ~~ Sakhiya ~~ سَخِيَّة 
Calmness, comfort, ease ~~ Sakina ~~ سَكِينَة 
Peace, safety, security ~~ Salama ~~ سَلَامَة 
Peace, feminine of Salm ~~ Salma ~~ سَلْمَى 
Pacifist, peaceful ~~ Salma ~~ سَلْمَى 
A spring in Paradise ~~ Salsabil ~~ سَلْسَبِيل 
Quail, solace ~~ Salwa ~~ سَلْوَى 
Comfort, ease, amusement ~~ Samah ~~ سَمَاح 
Generosity, bounty ~~ Samaha ~~ سَمَاحَة 
Price, value ~~ Saman ~~ سَمَان 
Pleasant conversation ~~ Samar ~~ سَمَر 
Generous, kind, true ~~ Samiha ~~ سَمِيحَة 
Sincere, genuine ~~ Samim ~~ سَمِيم 
True, sincere, genuine ~~ Samima ~~ سَمِيمَة 
A healthy girl, fertile land without rock and stone ~~ Samina ~~ سَمِينَة 
Companion in nightly conversation, entertainer with stories ~~ Samira ~~ سَمِيرَة 
Lofty, towering ~~ Samiqa ~~ سَمِيقَة 
Brilliance, radiance, majestic ~~ Sana ~~ سَنَا 
Praise, commendation ~~ Sana ~~ ثَنَاء 
Support, prop, document ~~ Sanad ~~ سَنَد 
Brilliant, majestic, exalted ~~ Saniya ~~ سَنِيَّة 
Weighted, guarded ~~ Sanjada ~~ سَنْجَدَة 
Penetrating, piercing ~~ Saqiba ~~ ثَاقِبَة 
Wealth ~~ Sara ~~ ثَرَاء 
Wife of the Prophet Ibrahim ~~ Sara ~~ سَارَة 
Mirage ~~ Sarab ~~ سَرَاب 
Fortune, wealth, riches ~~ Sarwa ~~ ثَرْوَة 
Lily of the valley, iris ~~ Susan ~~ سَوْسَن 
Date-palm garden, Wife of the Prophet Muhammad ~~ Sawda ~~ سَوْدَة 
Chief, leader, lady ~~ Sayida ~~ سَيِّدَة 
Chief of women ~~ Sayidatun Nisa ~~ سَيِّدَةُ النِّسَاءِ 
Witness ~~ Shahida ~~ شَاهِدَة 
The eighth month of the Islamic Calendar ~~ Shaban ~~ شَعْبَان 
Dew, a pendant of pearls ~~ Shabnam ~~ شَبْنَم 
Happy ~~ Shadi ~~ شَادِى 
Glad, cheerful, joyful ~~ Shadia ~~ شَادِيَّة 
Sound, melodious, sweet-voiced ~~ Shadya ~~ شَادِيَّة 
Guided, guided to the right path ~~ Shahida ~~ شَاهِدَة 
Witness to faith, martyr ~~ Shahida ~~ شَهِيدَة 
Evidence, testimony ~~ Shahida ~~ شَهِيدَة 
Beacon, light ~~ Shama ~~ شَمْعَة 
Queen, ruler, empress ~~ Shahzadi ~~ شَاهْزَادِي 
Graceful ~~ Shahd ~~ شَهْد 
Intoxicated, delighted, pleasant ~~ Shuhra ~~ شُهْرَة 
Famous, well-known, celebrated ~~ Shuhra ~~ شُهْرَة 
Shining, luminous, bright ~~ Shuja ~~ شُجَاعَة 
Light, radiance, illumination ~~ Shukriya ~~ شُكْرِيَّة 
Thanks, gratitude, gratefulness ~~ Shukriya ~~ شُكْرِيَّة 
Evening conversation ~~ Shuna ~~ شُوْنَة 
Melody, music, song ~~ Shura ~~ شُورَى 
Consultation ~~ Shura ~~ شُورَى 
Star ~~ Sitara ~~ سِتَارَة 
Piety, righteousness, godliness ~~ Subaha ~~ صَبَاحَة 
Morning, dawn ~~ Subha ~~ صُبْحَة 
The twelfth part of an hour ~~ Suda ~~ سُوْدَة 
Black ~~ Suda ~~ سُوْدَة 
Good luck, happiness, bliss ~~ Suhaila ~~ سُهَيْلَة 
Moon-glow, moonlight ~~ Suman ~~ سُوْمَانَة 
Spring, garden ~~ Suraya ~~ سُرَيَّا 
Joy, happiness ~~ Suroor ~~ سُرُوْر 
Noble, of noble descent ~~ Surur ~~ سُرُوْر 
Noble lady, Princess ~~ Surraya ~~ سُرَيَّا 
Piety, righteousness ~~ Suwad ~~ سُوَاد 
Sword ~~ Sayf ~~ سَيْف 
Pure, clear, truthful ~~ Sidiqa ~~ صِدِّيقَة 
The first light of dawn ~~ Subh ~~ صُبْح 
Black, dark ~~ Suda ~~ سُوْدَة 
Contentment, happiness ~~ Suzan ~~ سُوزَان 
Lily, lily flower ~~ Sosan ~~ سُوْسَنْ 
Firm, solid ~~ Suda ~~ سُوْدَة 
Fragrant, fragrant plant ~~ Sumbul ~~ سُمْبُل 
Generosity, liberality, bounty ~~ Sukhra ~~ سُخْرَة 
Moon, moonlight ~~ Qamar ~~ قَمَر 
Light, lamp ~~ Surraya ~~ سُرَيَّا 

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.” May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.Jazakallah (Thank you).

You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z

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