Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana: A Dua for Forgiveness

A Dua for Forgiveness and Protection from Hellfire


رَبَّنَا إِنَّنَآ آمَنَّا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana innana amanna faghfir lana dhunubana wa qinaa ‘adhaaban-naar
Our Lord, Indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
Reference: Surah Al-Imran, 3:16
For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.

a brief overview about Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Dhunubana....

The dua “رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا إِنَّنَآ فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ” (Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Dhunubana Waqina Azaaban Naar) is a heartfelt plea to Allah, seeking both forgiveness and protection from the torment of Hellfire. This powerful supplication is rooted in acknowledging our belief in Allah and humbly requesting forgiveness for our past sins.

One of the key benefits of this dua is that it encapsulates the essence of seeking divine forgiveness while simultaneously asking for protection from punishment in the Hereafter. Through this dua, believers can express their faith and desire for spiritual purification. This dua acts as a shield, asking Allah to “Waqina Azaaban Naar” – save us from the punishment of Hellfire, which is a core fear of every true believer.

By regularly reciting “Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Dhunubana…,” we reinforce our belief and humility before Allah. It helps believers in cleansing their hearts, seeking repentance, and safeguarding their souls. Whether it’s forgiveness for past actions or seeking refuge from future trials, this dua holds deep significance for anyone wishing to strengthen their faith and connection with Allah.

Benefits of “Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Dhunubana”:

  • Divine Forgiveness: Cleanses sins and grants Allah’s mercy.
  • Protection from Hellfire: A direct plea to be saved from Azaab (punishment).
  • Strengthened Iman (Faith): Reinforces belief in Allah and submission to His will.
  • Spiritual Healing: Provides peace of mind, knowing that one is seeking Allah’s forgiveness.

When and How to Recite”Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana Dhunubana”

  • Anytime: This dua can be recited at any moment as a plea for forgiveness and protection from Hellfire.
  • During Tahajjud: The peaceful solitude of the night is an ideal time for deep reflection and closeness to Allah.
  • After Salah: Reciting it after obligatory prayers strengthens one’s connection with Allah.
  • In Sujood and Tashahhud: These are moments when duas are readily accepted, making it highly effective.
  • During repentance: When feeling remorse for sins, reciting this dua with sincerity increases the chances of forgiveness.
  • With Istighfar: Pairing it with Astaghfirullah and other Quranic duas enhances its impact.
  • Morning and evening adhkar: Adding this dua to daily supplications reinforces faith and seeks divine mercy.
  • When seeking protection from Hellfire: This dua explicitly asks Allah to save the reciter from the punishment of the Fire.
  • During moments of hardship: Calling upon Allah in distress strengthens reliance on His mercy.
  • Before sleeping: Ending the day with this dua can serve as a spiritual safeguard.

Rabbana Innana Amanna Faghfir Lana A Dua for Forgiveness

My Personal Thoughts

This dua is not just a plea for forgiveness but a reminder of faith, sincerity, and accountability. Every time I recite Rabbana innana amanna faghfir lana, I feel a deep connection to Allah’s mercy. It reassures me that no matter how many times I fall short, as long as I turn back to Him in repentance, He will forgive. It also reminds me that belief (imaan) alone is not enough—seeking forgiveness and actively trying to improve oneself is essential. In a world where we are constantly distracted, this dua serves as a grounding force, bringing me back to what truly matters: earning Allah’s mercy and protection from Hellfire. I encourage everyone to not just recite this dua but to internalize its meaning and use it as a daily spiritual checkpoint.

For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.
Assalamu Alaikum Owa Rahmatulla!
I run this site alone, with love and dedication, and your support is a blessing from Allah. Every contribution is a Sadaqah Jariyah—a reward that continues to grow, insha’Allah. So if possible, please donate me. Jazhakallah!

Important note

In Islam, a single dua often holds deep, multi-faceted meanings and can address various aspects of life. That’s why you might notice some repetition in my writing—it’s because many duas overlap in the guidance and mercy they bring into our lives. I believe in reinforcing these beautiful lessons as much as possible because their impact is truly profound. So, if it feels like I’m repeating myself, know that it’s with the intention of sharing these precious reminders in every way I can. Thank you for understanding and being part of this journey with me! 

As always I seek refuge in Allah Almighty from all kinds of harm and pray that He makes my work easy. I also pray that He considers this effort a means of salvation for us in this world and the hereafter. Whatever is good in my writing is entirely a blessing from Allah Almighty, and any faults are due to Satan (Devil) and my own lack of knowledge. JazakAllah. (Thank you).

You can also read Dua also, Rabbana atina min ladunka rahma: Dua for Guidance and Mercy

For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.

 FAQs section about “Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana”

  • What is the meaning of “Rabbana innana Amanna Faghfir Lana”?
    It means: “Our Lord! Indeed, we have believed, so forgive us our sins and save us from the punishment of the Fire.”
  • Where is this dua found in the Quran?
    This supplication is from Surah Al-Imran (3:16) and is recited by those seeking forgiveness and protection from Hellfire.
  • When is the best time to recite this dua?
    It is best recited during Tahajjud, after Salah, in Sujood, during moments of repentance, and whenever one seeks Allah’s forgiveness.
  • Can this dua be recited for someone else’s forgiveness?
    Yes, you can make this dua on behalf of your loved ones, asking Allah to forgive their sins and protect them from Hellfire.
  • How many times should I recite this dua daily?
    There is no fixed number, but reciting it after each Salah or at least 3 times in the morning and evening is beneficial.
  • What is the significance of this dua?
    This dua is a complete supplication that combines faith, repentance, and seeking protection from Hellfire, making it a powerful spiritual practice.
  • Is there any Hadith supporting the recitation of this dua?
    While this exact wording is from the Quran, the Prophet ﷺ emphasized seeking Allah’s forgiveness frequently and making duas similar to this one.
  • Can I recite this dua after committing a sin?
    Yes, this is one of the best duas to recite when seeking repentance. It acknowledges belief while asking for forgiveness.
  • Does reciting this dua erase all sins?
    Sincere repentance (Tawbah) along with this dua can lead to forgiveness of sins, but major sins require true regret and a commitment to not repeat them.
  • Can I include this dua in my daily dhikr?
    Absolutely! It is a beneficial dua to include in your morning and evening adhkar, as it strengthens faith and seeks Allah’s mercy.
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