Dua for Righteous Offspring
رَبِّ هَبْ لِيْ مِنْ لَّدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً ۚ اِنَّكَ سَمِيْعُ الدُّعَآءِ
Rabbi habli min ladunka dhurriyyatan ṭayyibatan innaka samī’ud-du’ā.
O my Lord, grant me from Your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, You are the One who listens to the prayer.
Reference: Surah Aal-e-Imran 3:38
For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.
a brief overview about Rabbi habli min ladunka....
When it comes to seeking divine blessings, one of the most heartfelt prayers in Islam is the dua “Rabbi habli min ladunka….” This supplication, directly asking Allah for righteous offspring, holds profound significance for anyone yearning to raise pious and good-hearted children like me. It is a prayer for parents and those aspiring to parenthood, reflecting the deep desire to build a family rooted in faith and moral values. Which I’m aiming for.
“Rabbi habli min ladunka….” is a reminder that all blessings, including children, come from Allah alone. What makes this dua so special is that it doesn’t just ask for any offspring, but for righteous, virtuous ones who will contribute positively to society and remain devoted to their Creator. That’s why this dua is so special for me. I personally find this dua incredibly comforting. In a world where raising children with strong values can feel like an uphill battle, turning to Allah with “Rabbi habli min ladunka” gives hope. It shows that while we put in our effort, ultimate success in raising good children lies with Allah’s will and guidance.
If you’re someone who’s looking to build a family or already has children like me, this dua is a beautiful way to seek Allah’s help. Because Allah is the best Creator, and He knows the best offspring for us. So we should ask Allah for righteous children with this very special dua. May Allah Almighty grants this dua and give us noble offspring. Ameen.
Benefits of “Rabbi habli min ladunka…”:
Divine Blessing for Righteous Offspring: The dua “Rabbi habli min ladunka” asks Allah for not just children, but pious and virtuous offspring. As I said earlier.
Trust in Allah’s Wisdom: Reciting this dua strengthens your reliance on Allah, acknowledging that successful parenting is in His hands.
Peace of Mind for Parents: By making this supplication, parents gain peace, knowing they’ve sought divine help in guiding their children on the right path.
Strengthens Parent-Child Bond: This dua fosters a deeper sense of responsibility and love, reminding parents that children are a trust from Allah.
Protection and Guidance: Invoking this dua offers spiritual protection for your children, asking Allah to guide them toward faith, good character, and righteousness.
Hope and Patience: It instills hope in parents, providing patience and perseverance during the challenges of raising children with good values.
- Legacy of Faith: Reciting this dua plants the seeds for a legacy of belief, ensuring future generations are raised with strong Islamic values.
For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.
When Should You Recite “Rabbi habli min ladunka…”?
This powerful dua can be recited in various situations where you seek Allah’s blessings for righteous offspring or guidance in parenting. Here are some instances:
- During Salah: Include it in your sujood or after your obligatory prayers.
- In the Last Third of the Night: Use this time for Tahajjud and heartfelt supplications.
- When Planning a Family: Seek Allah’s blessings before embarking on parenthood.
- Facing Challenges in Parenting: Ask for guidance and patience.
- Any Time of Need: Dua is always open to be made sincerely.
- After Reading Quran: Let it be part of your reflection on Allah’s words.
- While Seeking Fulfillment of Dreams: Especially those tied to family, legacy, or offspring.
- Before Important Family Decisions: Such as marriage or children-related choices.
- When Overwhelmed with Parental Responsibilities: To seek patience and wisdom.
- During Spiritual Gatherings: Like dhikr circles or family duas, to collectively pray for righteous blessings.
Assalamu Alaikum Owa Rahmatulla!
I run this site alone, with love and dedication, and your support is a blessing from Allah. Every contribution is a Sadaqah Jariyah—a reward that continues to grow, insha’Allah. So if possible, please donate me. Jazhakallah!
My Last Thought
Reflecting on my journey to fatherhood, I can’t emphasize enough how often I turned to the dua “Rabbi habli min ladunka.” It became a part of my daily prayers, a source of hope and trust in Allah’s plan. Reciting it repeatedly strengthened my bond with Allah and gave me the patience to wait for His perfect timing. When I finally became a father, I truly felt the power of this dua and the blessings it brought into my life.
Important note
In Islam, a single dua often holds deep, multi-faceted meanings and can address various aspects of life. That’s why you might notice some repetition in my writing—it’s because many duas overlap in the guidance and mercy they bring into our lives. I believe in reinforcing these beautiful lessons as much as possible because their impact is truly profound. So, if it feels like I’m repeating myself, know that it’s with the intention of sharing these precious reminders in every way I can. Thank you for understanding and being part of this journey with me!
As always I seek refuge in Allah Almighty from all kinds of harm and pray that He makes my work easy. I also pray that He considers this effort a means of salvation for us in this world and the hereafter. Whatever is good in my writing is entirely a blessing from Allah Almighty, and any faults are due to Satan (Devil) and my own lack of knowledge. JazakAllah. (Thank you).
You can also read Dua also, Du’a for Family: a rich collection of du’a related to family
For more dua like this visit this page, Dua and Dhikr.
FAQs section about “Rabbi habli min ladunka”
- What does “Rabbi habli min ladunka” mean?
O my Lord, grant me from Your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, You are the One who listens to the prayer.
- What is the significance of this dua?
It’s a supplication for Allah’s special mercy, often recited to seek blessings like righteous offspring or other divine favors. - Who recited this dua in the Quran?
It is inspired by prayers of prophets, such as Zakariya (AS), seeking righteous progeny. - Can this dua be recited for general needs?
Yes, it can be personalized for any need requiring Allah’s mercy and favor. - Is this dua specific to parenting?
No, while popular among parents, it’s not exclusive to them. - When is the best time to recite it?
During Tahajjud, after salah, or any moment of need. - Can women recite it during pregnancy?
Absolutely, it’s a powerful supplication for a blessed child. - Is there a specific number of times to recite it?
There’s no set number, but consistency is key. - Can this dua be recited in any language?
Yes, understanding and sincerity matter most. - Does this dua guarantee results?
Allah answers in ways that are best for us, so recite with faith and trust.