Islamic Baby Girl Name Starts With “M”

Muslim girl name starting with "M"

Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Kindness, friendliness ~~ Maisa ~~ مَائِسَة
Graceful, noble woman ~~ Majida ~~ مَاجِدَة
Blessed, prosperous ~~ Mabrooka ~~ مَبْرُوكَة
Civilized, urbane, polished ~~ Madaniya ~~ مَدَنِيَّة
Praiseworthy, commendable ~~ Madiha ~~ مَدِيحَة
Moon ~~ Mah ~~ مَاه
Moon-like (face) ~~ Mah Jabin ~~ مَاه جَبِين
Humble moon ~~ Mah Liqa ~~ مَاه لِقَاء
Delicate, graceful ~~ Mah Naz ~~ مَاه نَاز
Moonlight ~~ Mah Nur ~~ مَاه نُور
Face as bright as the moon ~~ Mah Rukh ~~ مَاه رُخ
Moonlight ~~ Mahtab ~~ مَهْتَاب
Wild cow (representing beauty) ~~ Maha ~~ مَهَا
Love, affection ~~ Mahabba ~~ مَحَبَّة
Beauty, charm ~~ Mahasin ~~ مَحَاسِن
Dear, beloved, sweetheart ~~ Mahbooba ~~ مَحْبُوبَة
Rightly guided ~~ Mahdiya ~~ مَهْدِيَّة
Safeguarded, well-protected ~~ Mahfooza ~~ مَحْفُوظَة
Skilled, proficient ~~ Mahira ~~ مَاهِرَة
Hidden, covered ~~ Mahjooba ~~ مَحْجُوبَة
Praised, praiseworthy ~~ Mahmooda ~~ مَحْمُودَة
Praised (one) of the women ~~ Mahmoodatun Nisa ~~ مَحْمُودَةُ النِّسَاء
Right, right-hand side ~~ Maimana ~~ مَيمَنَة
Prosperous, successful ~~ Maisara ~~ مَيسَرَة
Glory, honour, nobility ~~ Majda ~~ مَجْدَة
Glorious, noble, respected ~~ Majida ~~ مَجِيدَة
Glorious, noble, sublime ~~Ma jeeda ~~ مَجِيدَة
Of good and honourable character ~~ Makarim ~~ مَكَارِم
Beauty, grace, elegance ~~ Malaha ~~ مَلَاحَة
Angels ~~ Malaika ~~ مَلَائِكَة
Angel ~~ Malak ~~ مَلَك
Beautiful, pretty ~~ Maliha ~~ مَلِيحَة
Reigning, ruling ~~ Malika ~~ مَلِكَة
Queen ~~ Maleeka ~~ مَلِيكَة
Trustworthy, faithful ~~ Mamoona ~~ مَأمُونَة
Spring, fountain ~~ Manahil ~~ مَنَاهِل
Attainment, achievement ~~ Manal ~~ مَنَال
Guiding light ~~ Manar ~~ مَنَار
Gift, favour, benefit ~~ Mann ~~ مَنّ
Bountiful, generous ~~ Mannana ~~ مَنّانَة
Assisted, victorious ~~ Mansoora ~~ مَنصُورَة
Approved of, promising ~~ Manzoora ~~ مَنظُورَة
Accepted, admitted ~~ Maqboola ~~ مَقبُولَة
Intended, destined ~~ Maqsooda ~~ مَقصُودَة
Wish, desire ~~ Marab ~~ مَأرَب
Wish, aspiration ~~ Maram ~~ مَرَام
Fair complexion, kind of bird ~~ Maria ~~ مَارِيَة
Small pearls, corals ~~ Marjan ~~ مَرجَان
Famous, kindness ~~ Maroofa ~~ مَعْرُوفَة
Flint-stone ~~ Marwa ~~ مَروَة
Mother of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus) ~~ Mariam ~~ مَريَم
Accepted, well-pleased ~~ Marziya ~~ مَرضِيَة
Blessed, fortunate ~~ Marzooqa ~~ مَرزُوقَة
Joyful, cheerful ~~ Mariha ~~ مَرِحَة
Coveted, desired ~~ Marghuba ~~ مَغْرُوبَة
Lamp ~~ Masabih ~~ مَصَابِيح
Joy, delight, happiness ~~ Masarrat ~~ مَسَرَّات
Present, manifest ~~ Mashhuda ~~ مَشْهُودَة
Wish, will (of Allah) ~~ Mashia ~~ مَشِيَّة
Glad, happy, delighted ~~ Masrurah ~~ مَسْرُورَة
Latent, hidden, chaste ~~ Mastura ~~ مَستُورَة
Fortunate, happy, lucky ~~ Masooda ~~ مَسْعُودَة
Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded ~~ Masooma ~~ مَعصُومَة
Strong, solid, of resolute mind ~~ Matina ~~ مَتِينَة
Friendship, intimacy, affection ~~ Mawadda ~~ مَوَدَّة
Gift, talent ~~ Mawhiba ~~ مَوهِبَة
Gifted, talented ~~ Mawhooba ~~ مَوْهُوبَة
Worthy of description ~~ Mawsoofa ~~ مَوْصُوفَة
Auspicious, lucky ~~ Maimoona ~~ مَيمُونَة
To walk with a proud gait ~~ Maisa ~~ مَائِسَة
Of beautiful face and body ~~ Maisoon ~~ مَيسُون
To walk with swinging gait ~~ Mayyada ~~ مَيَّادَة
Increase, high degree ~~ Mazida ~~ مَزِيدَة
Excellence, merit, virtue ~~ Maziyah ~~ مَزِيَّة
Sun, affection ~~ Mihr ~~ مِهر
Sun of the women ~~ Mehrun Nisaa ~~ مِهرُ النِّسَاء
Praise, eulogy ~~ Midha ~~ مِدْحَة
Fine, subtle, thin ~~ Mahin ~~ مَاهِين
Grace, kindness, favour ~~ Minnat ~~ مَنَّة
Paradise ~~ Minoo ~~ مِينُو
Impression, mark, beauty ~~ Misam ~~ مِيسَم
Exalted, respected, glorified ~~ Muazzama ~~ مُعَظَّمَة
Blessed, fortunate, lucky ~~ Mubaraka ~~ مُبَارَكَة
Clear, manifest, plain ~~ Mubina ~~ مُبِينَة
Beneficial, advantageous ~~ Mufida ~~ مُفِيدَة
Countenance, face, look ~~ Muhayya ~~ مُحَيَّا
Heart, soul ~~ Muhja ~~ مُهْجَة
Filly, a female pony ~~ Muhra ~~ مُهْرَة
Chaste, virtuous, protected ~~ Muhsana ~~ مُحْصَنَة
Benevolent, charitable ~~ Muhsina ~~ مُحْسِنَة
Revisor, teacher ~~ Muida ~~ مُعِيدَة
One who struggles for Islam ~~ Mujahida ~~ مُجَاهِدَة
One who answers or grants something ~~ Mujiba ~~ مُجِيبَة
Honoured, revered ~~ Mukarrama ~~ مُكَرَّمَة
Devoted, faithful ~~ Mukhlisa ~~ مُخْلِصَة
Diminutive of Malaka (angel) ~~ Mulayka ~~ مُلَيْكَة
Believer (in Islam) ~~ Mumina ~~ مُؤْمِنَة
Distinguished, superior ~~ Mumtaz ~~ مُمْتَازَة
Wish, desire ~~ Muna ~~ مُنَى
Illuminated, brilliant, full of light ~~ Munawwara ~~ مُنَوَّرَة
One who turns towards Allah ~~ Muniba ~~ مُنِيبَة
Eminent, exalted ~~ Munifa ~~ مُنِيفَة
Bright, brilliant, radiant ~~ Munira ~~ مُنِيرَة
Sociable, friendly ~~ Munisa ~~ مُؤْنِسَة
Sacred, holy ~~ Muqaddasa ~~ مُقَدَّسَة
Restful, soothing ~~ Muriha ~~ مُرِيحَة
Leader, guide, adviser ~~ Murshida ~~ مُرْشِدَة
One who affirms the truth ~~ Musaddiqa ~~ مُصَدِّقَة
Equality ~~ Musawat ~~ مُسَاوَاة
Honoured, elevated ~~ Musharrafa ~~ مُشَرَّفَة
Counselor, adviser ~~ Mushira ~~ مُشِيرَة
Follower of the religion of Islam ~~ Muslima ~~ مُسْلِمَة
Purified, chaste ~~ Mutahhara ~~ مُطَهَّرَة
Obedient, pious, devoted ~~ Mutia ~~ مُطِيعَة
Equality ~~ Musawat ~~ مُسَاوَاة
Successful, lucky, fortunate ~~ Muwaffaqa ~~ مُوَفَّقَة
Rain clouds ~~ Muzna ~~ مُزْنَة

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.” May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.Jazakallah (Thank you).

You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z

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