Islamic Baby Girl Name Starts with “J” and “Z”

Muslim Baby Girl Name A to Z

Muslim girl name starting with "J" And "z"

Meaning ~~ English ~~ Arabic

Life ~~ Jaan ~~ جان
Sweetheart ~~ Jaanaan ~~ جانَان
Forehead ~~ Jabin ~~ جَبِين
New, fresh ~~ Jadida ~~ جَدِيدَة
World ~~ Jahan ~~ جَهَان
Noblest of the world ~~ Jahan Ara ~~ جَهَان آرَا
Sun of the world ~~ Khurshid Jahan ~~ خُرشِيد جَهَان
Light of the world ~~ Noor Jaban ~~ نُور جَبَان
Lustre of the world ~~ Raunaq Jahan ~~ رَونَق جَهَان
Heart, soul ~~ Janan ~~ جَانَان
Garden, paradise ~~ Janna ~~ جَنَّة
Garden, paradise ~~ Jannat ~~ جَنَّة
Excellence, high quality ~~ Jawda ~~ جَودَة
Jewel, gem, essence ~~ Jawhara ~~ جَوهَرَة
Attraction, charm ~~ Jazibiyya ~~ جَاذِبِيَّة
Nature, natural disposition ~~ Jibla ~~ جِبلَة
Adornment, ornament ~~ Zinat ~~ زِينَة 
Small pearl ~~ Jumaina ~~ جُمَينَة
Shelter ~~ Junna ~~ جُنَّة
1Little garden ~~ Junayna ~~ جُنَينَة
Damask rose, wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ~~ Juwairiyah ~~ جُوَيرِيَّة
Victorious, triumphant ~~ Zafira ~~ زَفِيرَة 
Golden, precious ~~ Zahabia ~~ ذَهَبِيَّة 
Pure, chaste ~~ Zakiya ~~ زَكِيَّة 
Elegant, witty ~~ Zarifa ~~ زَرِيفَة 
Bluish-green (eyes) ~~ Zarqa ~~ زَرقَاء 
Adornment, ornament ~~ Zinat ~~ زِينَة 
Flower, blossom, beauty ~~ Zahra ~~ زَهرَة 
Bright, brilliant ~~ Zahira ~~ زَاهِرَة 
Ornament of women ~~ Zebun Nisa ~~ زَينَةُ النِّسَاء 
Brightness, early morning ~~ Zuha ~~ ضُحَى 
Elite, choicest part ~~ Zubaida ~~ زُبَيدَة 
Floret, small flower ~~ Zuhaira ~~ زُهَيرَة 
Venus, brightness ~~ Zuhra ~~ زُهرَة 
Wife of the king of Egypt ~~ Zulaikha ~~ زُلَيكَة 
Elegant, graceful ~~ Zulfa ~~ زُلفَى 
Adorning the world ~~ Jahan Ara ~~ جَهَان آرَا 
Bright, radiant ~~ Zahira ~~ زَاهِرَة 
Devout, ascetic ~~ Zahida ~~ زَاهِدَة 
Ornament, decoration ~~ Ziyan ~~ زِيَان 
Garden of Paradise ~~ Jannatul Firdaus ~~ جَنَّةُ الفِردَوس 
Golden ~~ Zarin ~~ زَرِين 
Bright, shining ~~ Zuhaira ~~ زُهَيرَة 
Olive tree ~~ Zaitun ~~ زَيتُون 
Name of a beautiful tree, fragrant ~~ Zaynab ~~ زَينَب 
Intelligent, bright ~~ Zakiya ~~ زَكِيَّة 
Blossom, beauty ~~ Zahrah ~~ زَهرَة
Adornment of women ~~ Zinatun Nisa ~~ زِينَةُ النِّسَاء
Jewel, essence ~~ Jawahir ~~ جَوَاهِر
Beautiful, elegant ~~ Jamila ~~ جَمِيلَة

Please Note: Most of the names on my website are sourced from the book ‘A Dictionary of Muslim Names’ edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman. While not all names are taken from this book, the majority are.” May Allah Almighty accept all our good deeds and forgive our mistakes. Ameen.Jazakallah (Thank you).

You can also check out this page for, Islamic Baby Boy Name A to Z and Islamic Baby Girl Name A to Z

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